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Helping secure Sydney’s water supply with safe chemical storage

Aqua ammonia storage expansion




Prospect, NSW

About The Project

Suez operates the Prospect Water Filtration Plant on behalf of Sydney Water. The plant supplies most of Sydney’s drinking water. The plant’s aqua ammonia facility needed an upgrade, which involved:

  • Removing two16kL storage tanks;
  • Replicating the existing larger 25kL tank;
  • Re-routing the tanker unloading; and
  • Venting pipework.

A vital element of the project was to minimise disruption to the supply of ammonia. As part of this, the project needed to be delivered in several stages.

CNF was employed to:

  • Review and design the tank removal and replacement.
  • Undertake the HAZOP.

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Major Achievements

  • CNF produced the design review and HAZOP study report, which included recommendations to fine tune the design in line with operational expectations and to ensure adequate safety.
  • CNF identified the operation of the existing ‘After Scrubber’ as a concern because it would be inadequate under some circumstances. The ‘After Scrubber’ then became a separate project.

Project Innovations

  • A streamlined process that saved time and money. The HAZOP showed stages two and three of the four-stage project were not required and that the project could proceed directly from stage one (operating only on old tank 3) directly to stage four. 
  • A temporary supply of aqua ammonia was drawn from ‘bulki-boxes’ to ensure the continuous supply and to avoid the pressure of completing changeover work during short outages.

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