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Making Australian Government’s VIP hanger safe

Fairbairn VIP Hanger hazardous area


SE Electrical, Department of Defence


Canberra, ACT

About The Project

Department of Defence, through No.34 Squadron, maintains a small fleet of special purpose aircraft (VIP Fleet) in a dedicated hanger at Defence Establishment Fairbairn at Canberra Airport. These aircraft convey the Prime Minister, Governor-General and other parliamentary dignities.

Initially, an electrical contractor working on the site queried if the electrics in the VIP Hanger were compliant to the latest Hazardous Area Code requirements. The Facility Manager asked the contractor to clarify any issues and to determine if remediation work was required.

The electrical contractor called in CNF as they had done for other challenging electrical project work such as Canberra Hospital and the new Australian Federal Police (AFP) laboratory complex at Majura.


  • Undertook a detailed hazardous area audit.
  • Produced hazardous area drawings and a hazardous area dossier.
  • Prepared a detailed electrical work scope for the remedial works.

The successful completion of this project lead to CNF being asked to provide advice and guidance for Parliament House fuel storage and for Dangerous Goods storages at the Royal Australian Mint.

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Major Achievements

  • Detailed audit undertaken.
  • Hazardous area drawings prepared and made available to guide future modifications at the hanger.
  • Scope of work for remedial tasks prepared.
  • A hazardous area dossier was prepared to ensure compliance with the local electrical authority’s requirements.
  • The safety profile of the facility was significantly improved.

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