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Greening NT’s remote communities through solar power

Solar Energy Transformation Program (SETuP)


John Holland (Territoria Civil), Power and Water


Northern Territory

About The Project

The Solar Energy Transformation Program (SETuP) is transforming the way power is delivered to remote communities in the Northern Territory (NT) by incorporating solar power to reduce reliance on diesel. The project integrated 10MW of solar power into existing diesel power stations across 26 remote communities without compromising power quality and reliability.

One of the unique challenges of delivering power to remote communities is the need to truck or barge diesel to 26 generation sites throughout the NT. Integrating solar power provides many advantages such as reducing diesel transport costs and generator maintenance requirements. The project has provided a more reliable power supply for inland communities that are often isolated by road closures during the wet season and has resulted in more than 15% of diesel fuel reduction project wide.

CNF was selected by John Holland for its renewable and electrical expertise to design and build the solar power systems and integrate them into the diesel power networks.

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Major Achievements

  • Optimising solar field and power distribution design to minimise losses and reduce diesel usage.

Project Innovations

  • Developing a unique earthing and lightening protection system, which saved $5 million.

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