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Designing clean, green and lean power for sewage treatment plants

Tomakin Sewage Treatment Plant Solar Options Report


Public Works Advisory


Tomakin, NSW

About The Project

The Tomakin Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) is undergoing a major upgrade to a higher capacity system. The energy demand of the upgraded treatment plant will be much greater than that of the existing plant. To minimise the energy cost and the plant’s environmental impact, Public Works Advisory engaged CNF to produce a solar PV and battery options analysis, identifying the ideal system size and composition.

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Major Achievements

The plant’s upgrade is so significant that the historical load data was unusable for accurate simulation. CNF had to generate a complete set of ‘synthetic’ load data to reflect a realistic daily and seasonal load pattern, as well as anticipated growth rates up to the year 2051.

CNF’s options report included:

  • Analysis of current data to review unusual behaviours and seasonal changes.
  • Review of the plant upgrade design and its influence on the future load data.
  • Simulation of likely PV generation in the area and application to load data to calculate cost savings and carbon dioxide emission reduction.
  • Multi parameter, 15-minute interval simulation for different load years, to determine the most suitable PV and battery combination over the anticipated life of the system.
  • Financial and environmental outcome analysis of all reviewed options.

CNF’s analysis:

  • Created complex 15-minute interval daily and seasonal load patterns, reflecting the likely behaviour of the yet to be upgraded sewage treatment plant.
  • Provided clear and traceable input data, logic and assumptions that led to the simulated outcomes.
  • Provided suitable recommendations to reduce operating costs and minimise the plant’s environmental impacts.

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