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Designing 210MW solar farm on complex terrain

Wandoan Solar Farm stage 1


Hanwah Q-Cells


Wandoan, Queensland

About The Project

Wandoan Solar Farm was the first of a major three-stage solar farm development across complex terrain, constrained by natural creeks and preservation areas as well as potential drilling sites for coal seam gas exploration. When fully operational, the solar farm will have the ability to power up to 400,000 homes each year.

Hanwah Q-Cells engaged CNF to produce a tender design package for the electrical and civil components of the 275 MWp stage 1 project.

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Major Achievements

Created a competitive design thought innovative site power reticulation system. Provided Hanwah detailed and transparent tender design documentation to allow internal review and quoting adjustment as required.

CNF’s tender design included:

  • General site layout and positioning of PCUs;
  • 33kV AC reticulation and trenching design;
  • 33kV switch room and auxiliary utilities design;
  • 33-275kV transformer and switchyard design and network connection;
  • All auxiliary component design, including CCTV and weather station;
  • Earthing system design;
  • Compliance with AEMO connected generator requirements;
  • Detailed bill of quantities, cable schedules and component list for pricing;
  • Scope of component supply packages;
  • Scopes of work packages.

The civil component included the design of:

  • All access and internal roads;
  • Creek crossings and drainage;
  • Component foundations for PCUs, switch room transformers etc.;
  • Detailed MTO and component list for pricing;
  • Scopes of work package for civil component.

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